WHAT IS HIFU? (High intensity focused ultrasound)

It was first invented in the USA by Myron Medical Cosmetic Research Institution for areas of the face, neck and

décolletage. Since its invention, many technology companies have developed the concept.

It can be used for:

  • Vaginal rejuvenation
  • Permanently getting rid of unwanted body fat.
  • Tightening the skin on the face and body

The HIFU treatment is extremely effective in stimulating collagen reproduction and neocollagenesis (a process of formation of new collagen in response to inflammation through the process of wound-repair.

There is no downtime, no time off work, scarring or bruising, bleeding and the results are natural looking. The focused ultrasound energy skips the epidermis layer leaving no damage or scarring to the top layer of the skin and targets at the required depth of 1.5 mm, 3mm or 4.5mm for skin tightening in the suitable areas, and up to 18mm for targeting the fat.

A lot of clients see some immediate effect after their very first treatment, but the ultimate results will take place over a period of 2-3 months, as your body naturally regenerates its collagen.

We offer a Free consultation so that we can go through all the aspects of our treatments before you decide to book a treatment.


Full Face & Neck Lift


Lower Face & Neck


Neck to jawline


Brow Lift


Eye Bag Reduction


Decolletage /Chest area


Two Body Areas


Three Body Areas


Four Body Areas


Vaginal Rejuvenation


Discounts available for multiple areas. Please ask.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment

What is Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment Tighten & Lift Your Vagina With HIFU?

Vaginal rejuvenation is a treatment that tightens and lifts the vaginal walls, canal and pelvic floor as well as treating the aesthetic of the vulva.

Sometimes women over time end up with a more relaxed vaginal area with decreased elasticity. The HIFU vaginal tightening treatment is an ultrasonic focusing technique that uses a vaginal probe to non-invasively give direct focus on mucosal lamina and the muscle layer. Using High intensity focused ultrasound energy waves as the energy source, HIFU vaginal tightening ultrasound system will send out ultrasonic energy focusing in the lamina propria and muscle fibre layer.

The procedure is minimally invasive, and there's no pain or downtime. HIFU vaginal rejuvenation is popular with women who have experienced vaginal damage to key pelvic floor muscles after childbirth, and those in menopause. The menopause can cause a lack of hormones which causes the vaginal walls to become thinner, lax, or atrophied. The production of natural lubrication slows, and stress incontinence becomes embarrassing, getting worse as the pelvic floor muscles lose their strength.
Effects from the treatment can usually be felt instantly and up to 1-3 months post-treatment, continuing to develop for up to 12 months. The results can last for up to 3 years. Clients may require two to three treatments to achieve the desired results but will notice an improvement after just one treatment. Effects vary but the majority of women notice they get great results.

At a predetermined depth layer of 3mm and 4.5mm the collagen is reorganized and the normal tissue outside the focal region is not damaged. Tightening it, increasing vaginal moisture, and improving laxity, stress incontinence, and sensitivity. Clients report a tighter vagina, improved sex, no more post-menopausal dry vagina, and no wetting themselves when coughing, sneezing or trampolining! This procedure is not usually painful, but a slight tingling sensation may be experienced by some.

Benefits of this procedure:

  • Help with Non-invasive tightening / Vaginal tightening
  • Increase lubrication–increase secretion, eliminate dryness
  • Improve sensation in the vaginal area and cell regeneration
  • Improves stress incontinence (leaks)

Any woman that recognises 1 or more of the symptoms above, should consider this procedure.
Each treatment is carried out with the upmost discretion and confidence. Your dignity and comfort are the main priority. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes.

Post treatment:

You may experience a slight increase in moisture in the area that has been treated. This is considered to be a normal response to the treatment and should subside within a few days.

Fat reduction

Liposonix is an innovative non-invasive fat reduction treatment that utilises High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) technology to target and eliminate stubborn fat cells beneath the skin’s surface.

Unlike traditional liposuction procedures, Liposonix requires no incisions or anaesthesia, making it a popular choice for individuals seeking a non- surgical alternative to reduce unwanted fat deposits.

During the treatment, focused ultrasound energy is delivered to specific areas of the body, causing thermal coagulation and destruction of fat cells. Over time, the body naturally eliminates these damaged fat cells through its metabolic processes, resulting in a slimmer and more contoured appearance.

Liposonix treatments are known for their precision and effectiveness in reducing localised fat deposits, offering patients a safe and efficient solution for body sculpting and contouring.

Face tightening

HIFU RF micro-needling combines two advanced technologies, High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) and Radiofrequency (RF) micro-needling, to deliver comprehensive skin rejuvenation and tightening benefits.

HIFU targets deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and promoting tissue tightening, while RF micro-needling targets the superficial layers, inducing controlled micro-injuries to trigger the skin’s natural healing process. This combination results in improved skin texture, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and overall skin tightening effects.

HIFU RF micro-needling treatments offer a versatile solution for addressing various skin concerns, providing patients with noticeable and long-lasting results.

Is HIFU Safe and are there any side effects?

HIFU is viewed as a safe procedure. Tens of thousands of these procedures have been performed securely around the world.

No matter how common or safe a treatment is, everything can have a side effect! Side effects with HIFU are extremely rare but they can include:

  • Temporary Blotchy SkinThis was the most common side effect reported by clients during a research study. Treated areas can become red and blotchy, particularly if your skin is sensitive and prone to redness. This side effect is not permanent, usually going a few hours after the treatment.
  • Slight DiscomfortSome people are more sensitive than others and may feel some discomfort during treatment. If you are one of these sensitive people, we will happily pop some numbing cream on (we haven't had to do this so far). At Amesbury Aesthetics, we are well trained, qualified and know all about our clients’ skin sensitivity.
  • Mild Swelling: Each person’s skin is different and there are a few people who may find their skin become a little swollen after their treatment. This will disappear after a few hours.
  • Numbness: This is extremely rareIf it does happen it is likely around the delicate areas such as the eyes and lips and can last for a few days. This is because as HIFU penetrates the very deepest layers, occasionally this can cause some micro damage which can lead to numbness. The skin will heal on its own and might just feel a bit strange for a couple of days!
  • Hyper-pigmentation: While very rare, this is a side effect that is potentially permanent. Hyper-pigmentation causes the skin to change colour and become a bit darker. Although we have never experienced this before with any of our clients, nor heard of this happening with any aestheticians we know, we still need to make our clients aware that although it’s incredibly rare, there is a possible risk.

HIFU is not suitable for the following conditions

  • Those Pregnant/breastfeeding,
  • Those who have just finished photosensitive medications such as Roaccutane/antibiotics
  • less than equal to 4 weeks for antibiotics and less than equal to 6 months for Roaccutane (isotretinoin
  • medications)
  • Those who have an autoimmune disorder
  • Those on chemotherapy
  • Those with hypersensitive skin
  • Those who have active cold-sores, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea.
  • Those with metal plates/joints in their body.
  • If you have had a botulinum toxin treatment in the last 2 weeks

Please remember whilst HIFU carries far fewer risks and costs than a surgical face lift, results may not last as long and repeated procedures may be needed.

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